Mapping the rock art in the Incahuasi and Las Cuevas gorges (Salta, Argentina)


  • María Eugenia De Feo Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas División Arqueología Museo de la Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata La Plata, Argentina. e mail:


rock art, meadows, walking trails, architecture, pastoralism


This work presents the advances in the recording of rock art in the Incahuasi and Las Cuevas gorges (Salta, Argentina). Systematic surveys in valley floors and foothills allowed the registration of two new groups, Demecia and Cruz, along with other evidence of occupation, such as apachetas, corrals and living spaces. In total, 32 intervened rocks were documented and analyzed focusing on their techno-stylistic and spatial aspects. These include both non-figurative and figurative motifs, with camelids being the majority among the latter. Its chronology extends from the Formative period to the present. The distribution at the beginning of natural corridors that lead to meadows and/or high altitude sites and its association with water sources and pastures link them with activities related to camelid management.




How to Cite

De Feo, M. E. (2024). Mapping the rock art in the Incahuasi and Las Cuevas gorges (Salta, Argentina). Andes. Antropología E Historia, 35(2), 145–171. Retrieved from



Dossier del IV Congreso Nacional de Arqueología del Arte Rupestre, Salta