The imperfect twinness of shields -shaped artifacts.

Human figures painted on the cheeks of santa maria urns (second part)


  • Javier Nastri Universidad Maimónides, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – Centro de Ciencias Naturales, Ambientales y Antropológicas + Fundación Azara; Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Instituto de Teoría e Historia del Arte “Julio E. Payró”. Argentina e mail:


Santa María urns , imperfect twinness , subtle difference , shield forms


A new sample of Santa Maria urns from museum collections with the motif of the anthropomorph with a shield-shaped artifact image painted on the neck of the pieces is presented. Motifs are sorted based mainly on the shape of the headdresses and the blazons on the shields, while the presence and method of implementation of the rhetorical resource called “subtle difference” -which is considered a plastic manifestation of the notion Amerindian of “imperfect twinning”- is examined. Through the integration of the cases with those from the sample compiled in the first (published in another journal five years ago) that show all their human figures attached with shield-shaped artifact, the different modalities of manifestation of the aforementioned rhetorical resource are defined, while hypotheses are proposed to account for its differential presence in the cases.




How to Cite

Nastri, J. (2024). The imperfect twinness of shields -shaped artifacts. : Human figures painted on the cheeks of santa maria urns (second part). Andes. Antropología E Historia, 35(2), 270–309. Retrieved from



Dossier del IV Congreso Nacional de Arqueología del Arte Rupestre, Salta